A full-scale laser cosmetology salon in one system
The EvoLINE, combining two laser radiation sources, allows to perform all the popular and demanded laser cosmetological treatments. That is why the EvoLINE laser system with good reason can be called a cosmetological station – having just one this device you can create a full-scale laser cosmetology salon.
Can be applied without seasonal limitations
The EvoLINE allows not only to choose the wavelength depending on a treatment, solar activity and a patient’s phototype but also to perform fine adjustments of treatment protocols depending on the individual traits of each patient thus attaining the best result all year round without seasonal limitations.
Reduces treatment time
The EvoLINE, created on the basis of the most advanced and high-power lasers, offers its users the treatment speed unattainable for most of the existing systems – the skin area of 10 x 15 см2 can be treated within less than a minute! Such a high treatment speed provides an additional competitive advantage to your beauty salon by significantly cutting down procedure time and prime cost when treating large skin areas, for example, when performing hair removal procedures.
Reduces painful sensations
The complex laser pulse structure ensured by the LaserTrain technology is one more exclusive advantage of the EvoLINE. This technology exploits the peculiarity of a reaction of biological tissues to laser radiation exposure thus increasing the selectivity of laser exposure and minimizing a patient’s painful sensations in the course of treatments.
Reduces painful sensations
Thanks to utilization of the VarioSpot technology, when operating the EvoLINE you will not have to distract to replacement of different tips and handpieces. A unique handpiece-trasfocator allowing to smoothly change the beam diameter from 4 mm to 20 mm is used for performing all the procedures while the intellectual spot size recognition system automatically recalculates the laser radiation density at the patient’s skin and displays the value on the screen.
The light-weight and ergonomic handpiece is one more unquestionable advantage of the EvoLINE that will be appreciated by all the practicing doctors. Thanks to the low weight of the handpiece, the probability of the doctor’s hand increased fatigue and muscular tremor in the course of work is eliminated thus allowing to preserve the highest accuracy of manipulations even in case of performing long procedures.
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